Task actions


Tasks can be created by:

  • creating an issue following the issue templates
  • adding the issue to the canonical project board


Task planning is conducted manually by the customer and performer.

As soon as you start planning, set the state (project board status) to In Planning.

At the end of planning, mandatory properties must be included as described in the task properties section.

When you are done planning, set the state (project board status) to Planned.


To start a task, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph start


The comment is optional and can be arbitrary Markdown.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the property started to the current date
  • set the state (project board status) to In Progress


To complete a task, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph complete [actual-time]


The comment is optional and can be arbitrary Markdown.

The [actual-time] parameter is mandatory if the performer is an individual, and optional otherwise.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the property completed to the current date
  • set the property actual to the [actual-time] parameter
  • set the state (project board status) to In Review


To confirm a task which has in fact been completed, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph confirm


The review is optional and can be arbitrary Markdown.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the property confirmed to the current date
  • set the state (project board status) to Done
  • close the issue as completed


To reject a task which has not in fact been completed, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph reject


The reason is mandatory and can be arbitrary Markdown.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the state (project board status) to In Planning

The task must then be replanned by the customer and performer.


To cancel a task, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph cancel


The reason is mandatory and can be arbitrary Markdown.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the state (project board status) to Cancelled
  • close the issue as not planned


To renegotiate a task, comment on the issue with:

@promisegraph renegotiate


The reason is mandatory and can be arbitrary Markdown.

Upon receiving this command, the bot will:

  • set the state (project board status) to In Planning

The task must then be replanned by the customer and performer.